Parshat Chayei Sarah letter ‘ב (page: רכז).
Rabbi Eliyahu Amar | Zera Shimshon Parshat Vayeira (Heb)
Shiurei Torah in Zera Shimshon every Thursday,
Via Live Stream from Beit Ha-Knesset Eliyahu Hanavi (Rabbi Uziel 42, Bnei Brak).
Brought By: Rabbi Eliyahu Amar Senior Rabbi in Hidabroot.
Archive Suggestions: To View Rabbi Eliyahu Amar Shiurei Torah in Zera Shimshon – Parshat Vayeira
Year תשע”ז (Hidabroot) – Press Here
Year תשע”ז (Beit Ha-Knesset Eliyahu Hanavi) – Press Here
Shabbos Table with Zera Shimshon | Parshat Vayeira
New Section | Dvar Torah for Shabbos Kodesh including pages from the sefer.
Parshat Vayeira letter ‘כד (page: ריב).
Delivered by Kollel Zera Shimshon via The Organization, for the preservation of the Zera Shimshon.
To view in Yiddish: Press Here
Rabbi Eliyahu Amar | Zera Shimshon Parshat Lech Lecha (Heb)
Shiurei Torah in Zera Shimshon every Thursday,
Via Live Stream from Beit Ha-Knesset Eliyahu Hanavi (Rabbi Uziel 42, Bnei Brak).
Brought By: Rabbi Eliyahu Amar Senior Rabbi in Hidabroot.
Archive Suggestions: Rabbi Eliyahu Amar Shiurei Torah in Zera Shimshon – Parshat Lech Lecha
Press Here for Year: תשע”ז (Beit Ha-Knesset Eliyahu Hanavi) | Press Here for Year: תשע”ז (Hidabroot)
Shabbos Table with Zera Shimshon | Parshat Lech Lecha (HD)
New Section | Dvar Torah for Shabbos Kodesh including pages from the sefer.
Parshat Lech Lecha end of letter ‘ו (page: קטו).
Delivered by Kollel Zera Shimshon via The Organization, for the preservation of the Zera Shimshon.
To view in Yiddish: Press Here
Rabbi Eliyahu Amar | Zera Shimshon Parshat Noach (Heb) (HD)
Shiurei Torah in Zera Shimshon every Thursday,
Via Live Stream from Beit Ha-Knesset Eliyahu Hanavi (Rabbi Uziel 42, Bnei Brak).
Brought By: Rabbi Eliyahu Amar Senior Rabbi in Hidabroot.
Shabbos Table with Zera Shimshon | Parshat Noach (HD)
New Section | Dvar Torah for Shabbos Kodesh including pages from the sefer.
Parshat Noach letter ‘ב (page: פז).
Delivered by Kollel Zera Shimshon via The Organization, for the preservation of the Zera Shimshon.
To view in Yiddish: Press Here
Rabbi Eliyahu Amar | Zera Shimshon Parshat Bereishit (Hidabroot) (Heb) (HD)
Rabbi Eliyahu Amar present a segment from Zera Shimshon book, which known for his many Yeshuot.
Brought by, Hidabroot Channel (HD).
Shabbos Table with Zera Shimshon | Sukkos Holiday (HD)
New Section | Dvar Torah for Shabbos Kodesh including pages from the sefer.
Parshat Emor letter ‘י (pages: קי – קיא).
Delivered by Kollel Zera Shimshon via The Organization, for the preservation of the Zera Shimshon.
To view in Yiddish: Press Here
Shabbos Table with Zera Shimshon | Yom Kippur (HD)
New Section | Dvar Torah for Shabbos Kodesh including pages from the sefer.
Parshat Emor letter י”ז (pages: קיז – קיח).
Delivered by Kollel Zera Shimshon via The Organization, for the preservation of the Zera Shimshon.